Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rees Eagle Award of Excellence in Learning

Whytli got the "Rees Eagle Award of Excellence in Learning" in her class. She was really excited because it was awards day for the whole school and only 2 kids in her class got an award and she was one of them. Her teacher Mrs. Searle wrote that "she was so proud of Whytli and the outstanding work that she is doing. She always does her very best on everything we do. She is a wonderful reader, author and mathematician." Whytli is a great student. She has never once complained to do her homework. She loves it and she has always loved school! She loves to learn new things and is such a quick learner. I am so proud of her and happy that we do not have to push her hard to learn new things. Good job Whytli!


Tiesha said...

Good Job!!

Shannon said...

What a little smartie pants. That is great that she got an award. She is such a cute little girl.

the lunch lady said...

Congratulations Whytli!

Anonymous said...

I love those pictures with the red balloon. Too cute