Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Brett!

Today is Brett's 31st Birthday. I can't believe I have known him for 14 years. We have been married for almost 10 years. I've seen this on a few other people's blogs so I thought I would write 31 things about Brett.

1. He is very handsome and looks good in just about any color.
2. He is the most honest person I know. Sometimes a little too honest - some of you know what I mean. :)
3. He is very patient and loves me no matter how ornery I get with him.
4. He is a worthy priesthood holder.
5. He serves the Lord without question.
6. He is a great example to me and the kids and keeps me in line.
7. He cleans the bathrooms really well.
8. He is always great to pick up the house without question.
9. He makes me feel safe.
10. He genuinely loves to play with the kids and never seems to get tired of hanging out with them. They always call their activities with their dad the buddy movies, games, etc. They are all the buddies when they hang out.
11. He is a very, very good dad.
12. He has always read to the kids every night before they have gone to bed and climbs into bed with them to read the story.
13. He is always right. Seriously, I am hardly ever right when it comes to him. He always needs a source when he is told things before he is to believe it.
14. He is a hard worker.
15. He is a perfectionist.
16. He is very smart.
17. He is a fast learner. It doesn't take him much to learn something new.
18. He is a great editor. (He edits all my blog posts after I post them because I have horrible grammar skills. He should have been an English teacher because he is always correcting me and the kids when we speak. He always tells me he is just helping me out and that he doesn't want me to sound dumb so - thank you Brett!)
19. He is great on the computer. He can fix any problem and is the family computer guy. He has saved many of us many times.
20. He is my best friend.
21. He is an awesome barbecuer.
22. He makes great french toast (I don't like french toast but that is what he and the kids claim).
23. He always cleans up throw up when the kids are sick. I never have had to do it.
24. He helps me at nights with the kids with no complaints if they ever get up.
25. He loves to snuggle (even if it isn't my favorite sometimes - I have to be in the mood but the kids are always in the mood to snuggle with their dad) ,
26. He lets me pick wherever I want to eat when we go out even if he wants to go elsewhere. He never complains.
27. He takes over with the kids all the time when I need a break. He will drop everything and come home from work if I am having a bad day and need him home.
28. He is great at sports and loves to play pretty much any sport.
29. He is really sarcastic. Sometimes people don't know how to take him but he usually isn't being serious when he says things.
30. He is supportive of family functions and always comes with me.
31. He is very cheap with money - we are so opposite but it is a good thing. (He gets it from his side but isn't quite like some of his family)

I just want Brett to know that I love him very much. I am sure I will think of many other great things that I could have written. He is an AMAZING husband and father and the kids and I don't know what we would do without him. I hope he has a great birthday!


Brett said...

You forgot #8.

Shannon said...

Brett is a good husband and dad. Has it seriously been 14 years from the Subway days. That is so weird.

the lunch lady said...

he is also a great gospel doctrine teacher. happy birthday!