Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Episode VI - Return of the Sweetie

Early in her life, Mallory earned the nickname Sweetie. She ALWAYS said "please" and "thank you" and was just generally an adorably sweet little girl. But then, some time last year, things changed. The "please" and "thank you" disappeared. She was meaner and more ornery. Even though we still called her Sweetie, she was no longer living up to her name. It could have been the introduction of Nash into the family, taking away some of her attention and her status as baby of the family. It could have just been the influence of her older, drama queen wicked stepsisters (OK, they're real sisters, not stepsisters, but it sounds better).

But then, out of the blue, our precious little Sweetie returned. I'm not quite sure when it happened - seems like a couple of months ago. It didn't dawn on us immediately but one day it hit us - she was back. The "please" and "thank you" reappeared. The meanness disappeared. And not only was she back, she was sweetier than ever. She constantly says things like, "Dad, I like you," or "Mom, I love you." And she's dishing out kisses like crazy. She'll kiss your arm or leg if she can't reach your cheek. It's almost out of hand, but we'll definitely take this new old Sweetie over the impostor we had for a while there.


Shannon said...

She's so sweet I could eat her.

Carrie Swenson said...

I am with Shannon. I just can't get enough of her sweet little voice.