Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm a slacker... I know

It has been a while since I have done a real post....I've been quite the slacker. I promised myself that I would catch up everything from the last few months that I have slacked and back blog everything. I want to make a book for the year out of this blog for my scrapbook/journal so I need to have everything in here. Anyway, I thought I would put a couple of funny things that my kids have said or done recently before I forget them.

About a month ago Mallory finally started repeating the family prayers after someone is saying it. She has been very involved in our family prayers forever by folding her arms, closing her eyes and having to make sure she had her total attention before we were even allowed to start but we have forever been trying to convince her to say the prayers but she would not. One day I was saying the family prayer before the kids were going to go to bed and Mallory was repeating everything I would say. Adelie and Mallory had dance the next day so in my prayer I said, "Please bless Adelie and Mallory at dance tomorrow," and Mallory, instead of repeating this, yelled really loud, "YEAH!" She is a HUGE fan of dance and loves it so much. We all could not help but to bust up laughing it was so funny.

Last week while we were in St. George I was doing Adelie's hair and she said to me with total attitude, "Mom, we do not have enough kids." I said to her, "We don't? How come you say that?" She said, "Because Grandma Cope had lots of kids and we need lots of kids like her!" I said, "Oh really, you think we need more kids?" She then said with even more attitude "Yes mom! And if you go to the doctor and have him do that thing that Stephanie (my sister) had him do to her I am going to be really mad!" I was quite shocked at this. Stephanie had a partial hysterectomy done in August so she no longer can have kids. I was mostly shocked that she even knew that she had something done to her that would prevent her from having any more children. I guess that just proves that kids listen and know more than you think they do.

This morning Mallory informed us that Nash was going to live with another family. We told her no he wasn't. She said, "Yes, he is going to take his crib, toys, bottles and dresser and go to another house." Brett told her, "No he isn't he is going to stay with us." She said, "No he isn't because he is naughty so he has to go to another house." We laughed and told her he wasn't naughty and he wasn't going to go live with another family.

This afternoon when I picked up the kids from school Whytli was telling Harrison and Parker how she got a letter from Santa this morning. Parker said with really big eyes, "You did? I want a letter from Santa. How did you get it?" She told him that she wrote a letter to him last night for her, Adelie and Mallory because they wanted to tell him what they all wanted for Christmas since Santa was not able to make it to Grandma Cope's Christmas party this year. So they wrote a letter to Santa and gave it to our elf, Eddie (I will explain about him in a later post) and she said she told Eddie the Elf to please give this letter to Santa. All the while when she is telling all of this to Parker he was listening with real excitement in his face. She then said that she went to bed with her fingers and arms crossed (hoping that if she crossed her fingers and arms this would help the luck of Eddie taking her letter to Santa) and when she woke up they were still crossed. When she went upstairs Eddie the Elf was in a different spot and next to him was a letter that was typed up on red paper from Santa Claus himself. Whytli told Parker all about it and what it said. Parker got really excited and then said, "I'm going home and writing a letter to Santa and giving it to our Elf and I hope Santa writes me back a letter too!"


Braydon Nielsen said...

That is so much fun to look back on the kids and relive these awesome experiences, Yea i agree you do need to keep up with grandma cope!!! :) By the way, if you are ever back in st george, give me a call, would love to see you guys!!!

Colten and Melissa Rogers said...

I like that letter to Santa. It's so cute!

the lunch lady said...

so cute! I wish we could keep our kids little.

Kirsten said...

Nash can live at our house... bring over the crib, clothes, diapers... everything. We'll take him off your hands for ya!! You can throw in little Mallory too! :)

Amy said...

I love the story about Nash going to live somewhere else..and yes, kids do listen more than we give them credit for. Sometimes we just wish they would listen when we tell them to do something.