Saturday, December 6, 2008

A New Visitor in Our House - Eddie the Elf

Last Sunday night our family was sitting in the kitchen (we had just gotten back from our St. George trip that day) when we heard a knock at the door. The kids ran to see who it was and found a box with a big white envelope addressed to us attached to it. It looked like the envelope had come straight from the North Pole from Santa himself. We opened the box to find a special friend who will be staying with us this Christmas. It was an elf that we had to name and adopt as our own. The name that we chose was Eddie the Elf. Inside the envelope it told us all about our special little elf that would be watching over our family this Christmas season. Eddie is special and has magic and cannot be touched or he will lose his magic. Eddie watches us all day and then at night he goes back to Santa's workshop to help Santa make toys and report on how our family is doing. He's a funny little elf in that he's forgetful and forgets where he was last in our home. So each day when we wake up, we have to search for him. He has been in the craziest of places. We have found him hanging from decorations, on top of the cupboard, hanging from the light, and in the kids' bedroom on their lamp. It's always fun to look around the house and see where Eddie has wound up. We were told in the letter that if we are good, Eddie will return to us every year. The kids are having so much fun with him. I really hope that he keeps coming back to us. Eddie has even left the kids a few letters. He lets them know how they are doing (sometimes it isn't good) and he has really sloppy handwriting.


Shannon said...

I LOVE our elf. Ours is a girl and is named Rosie. She was great this Christmas and I really think she helped the kids act better. We can't wait for her to return next year.

So many blogs..too little time said...

Where did you get that red polka dotted gift box? I have seen those around.