Saturday, February 21, 2009

He's Walking....

At almost 11 months the little terror Nashy is officially walking. He has taken a few steps here and there for about a month now but hasn't officially done it full time. He thinks he is so big and cool now. I am terrified of what is to come with his new walking skills - this little boy is into EVERYTHING! Oh well, he is still a cutie and because of his cuteness it is very hard to get mad at him. My sisters weren't kidding when they said boys are SO different from girls. We are experiencing it first hand with this little guy. I am sure I will have awesome posts of his naughtiness to come in the future.

Here is a little video of him walking.


Kirsten said...

I can't believe he is walkin'. Why do they have to grow up so fast?

Mrs. Rogers said...

oh man. now augie and nash are going to be the holy running terrors together. let's just hope augie doesn't teach nash to jump off stuff like he's been doing. i'm talking the end table onto the couch,'s a nightmare.

Shannon said...

OH my gosh! He's walking already? He is so stinkin cute, I just seriously might eat him up one day.

Tiesha said...

Yeah, that's awesome! Is that your basement? It's super cute!

Anonymous said...

So cute!! I can't believe he is walking- now he will be into everything :)